Adobe XD: beginner friendly?
The journey of a fabulous design begins with actually creating one!
After a long hard look at my computer, thinking of ways to avoid working for one more day, I finally decided to do something- like creating my first fictitious mobile app. The fact that I had never used Adobe Experience Design did not stop me from doing so. Who am I kidding? Of course, it did; I was terrified.
So, I turned to youtube for help. I watched this video by Jesse Showalter which introduced me to this magnificent world of Adobe XD. In the video, he acquaints the viewers with the basic tools and functions of the application. This brief overview helped me understand the primary controls and navigated me through the app-space. I then tinkered around with the tools, creating extremely basic designs in order to get the hang of it. It was actually pretty fun, to be honest. But it wasn’t challenging enough. I then explored further on the vast technological limbo called the internet and found another tutorial on youtube by Dansky- a live stream process of designing an app. Even though the stream is about an hour and thirty minutes long, it took me an hour extra to follow the tutorial and replicate his process.
The other screen was a little too long to publish. <TO-DO: How do I publish my click through prototype?>
Both videos were very easy to understand which, I believe, was the primary reason I didn’t give up on this task. Moreover, by the end of this two and a half hour of continuous experimenting, I put together a functioning and somewhat aesthetic app in Adobe XD without any prior knowledge what-so-ever. Now, if you ask me if I would design a user interface using Adobe XD, I’d say yes in a heartbeat!